Tuesday, January 08, 2008


We have noticed this winter how many more birds we get in the garden than we do in the summer. Presumably this is because they come down the mountain in search of food where the ground is less frozen & covered in snow.

This video is a small compilation of some wildlife that we've captured over the past few months comprising;
Steller's Jay (blue bird) filmed in our back garden
Northern Flicker (dash of orange on head & spotted body) filmed in our back garden
Squirrells filmed in our back garden
Deer filmed in the garden of the house we rented in Golden
Eagle filmed in the garden of the house we rented in Golden

On the same day we filmed the Steller's Jay we also had two Varied Thrush with bright orange bodies but they didn't sit still long enough to film them. We will try and get some footage of them next time we see them.

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