Mojo was a little unimpressed at being given an old 'hand-me-down' bed of Charlies that we were using in the car. He destroyed it pretty quickly. So today I headed over to PetSmart with him to pick up a new one. It is new, but also cheap - a happy compromise if this one doesn't last long either !
Here he is trying it out for size before we go out for the day.
I have been making extra effort to take Mojo everywhere we go, he seems happy to come along for the car ride and it's all good socialisation. So, when I have appointments, so does Mojo.
If I have several appointments one after the other I have to organise my time to include a quick 'grass stop' for Mojo to do some of lifes basics.
This afternoon I had an appointment in the Yaletown neighbourhood of downtown so as we were running a little early paused at 3rd Beach in Stanley Park for one such reststop.
We will invest in a dog guard shortly and insist Mojo travels in the back. When we first start driving Mojo can be quite a wanderer, sometimes wanting to be in the front, sometimes the middle and sometimes the back. However, until we have the guard we have negotiated the best spot is the back bench seat in my car.
However, after a few minutes driving Mojo typically gives in to a good snooze, rarely somewhere comfortable like the seat, usually choosing the floor between the middle row of seats
Or resting on the rubbish I have between the two front seats !
Either way, Mojo is so far proving to be an excellent Realtors assistant and my clients have enjoyed the chance to get a cuddle in between showings !
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